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Impetus & Vision

ICT enablement in disparate disciplines is the key need of the hour for the progress of any country. Developing countries like Pakistan are constantly recognizing it as a paramount opportunity to up rise as developed nations by adapting the ICT enabled technological advancements. It however involves critical research challenges in the design of ICT engineered complex systems.

Computer-based models and simulations are vital technologies needed in advanced economies to guide the design of complex systems. Modeling and simulation is essential in areas such as the creation of smart cities and sustainable urban growth, aerospace, manufacturing, healthcare, security and defense, among others. However, the development and use of reliable computer models and simulations is time consuming and expensive. Engineered systems are continually increasing in complexity and scale. Advances in modeling and simulation are essential to keep up with this growing complexity and to maximize the effectiveness of computer-based tools to engineer the increasingly complex systems that will be needed in the future. Further, recent technological advances such as cloud computing, novel computer architectures, big data, and the Internet of Things necessitate new developments in modeling and simulation to fully exploit these capabilities.

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